Two Bands That Have Been Around a Long Time…But Were New to Me: Japandroids and Murder by Death

I was introduced to Japandroids and Murder by Death recently by SiriusXMU (see recent post on Radio). Japandroids have been around about 15 years with three full-lengths, EPs/Singles, and hundreds of live shows around the world. Murder by Death has been making music for 20 years now with eight LPs. Just goes to show you, that there’s always new music to discover. Let’s discuss these bands a little and focus on their latest releases.


Japandroids formed in Vancouver, B.C. in 2006. The band is made up of Brian King (guitar/vocals) and David Prowse (drums/vocals). Remember that if you listen to them; it’s just two guys! They sound like a full band and can fill an arena with surging guitar, rousing vocals, and pounding drums. They are known for their extensive touring and energetic live performances. They pump up classic rock with punk energy.

Their debut album, Post-Nothing (love the title) made a splash and earned a “Best New Music” nod from Pitchfork. The follow-up Celebration Rock was well received and named by Rolling Stone as one of “The Coolest Summer Albums of All Time.” Exhausted from touring they took about a three-year break and came back in 2017 under a new label with Near to the Wild Heart of Life.

They’ve expanded their sound on the latest release by slowing it down a little and adding some acoustic to the mix. It’s a cleaner, less garage-band sound than the earlier albums. But, by no means have they lost their edge as the title song makes clear in opening the album. King echoes his singing, “the future is under fire, the past is gaining ground,” and speaks of leaving home and going far away; a realization of his relocating to Toronto and Mexico. The second song, “North, East, South, and West,” is a chanting anthem about “criss-crossing the continent, all aglow;” a sing-along to their many miles on the road. Prowse takes the lead on singing the soaring “Midnight to Morning” and continues the “so many miles” refrain and curse that “the bottle” can bring to the road-warrior. “Arc of Bar” jams with a little funk and synths in a lyrical brew of hustlers, whores, whiskey, and mosquitoes. It’s a solid record from beginning to end.

D² Rating ◼◼◼◩☐

Trivia ? – Where did the band name come from?

Answer: A combination of two previous band name ideas: Japanese Scream and Pleasure Droids

Murder by Death

Murder by Death took their name from a 1976 movie and formed in Bloomington, Indiana and now call Louisville, Kentucky home. They don’t lend themselves to one musical label. You could call them indie-rock, alt-country, or folk rock. Americana may be the best one-word description for they do represent the confluence of traditional American music. Their instrumentation of banjo, mandolin, accordion, violin, and particularly the defining cello, cements that Americana feeling.

They released their first album in 2002 and kept up the pace every couple years and made their eighth record in 2018. Adam Turla (guitar, vocals) and Sarah Balliet (cello, keyboards) are the two founding members still with the band. (They also got married along the way.) His emotive baritone and her warm, yet vibrant, cello are the essence of the band. That essence is shining bright on the latest release, The Other Shore.

“Bloom” was my introduction to the band. I was hooked immediately with its bouncy intro, interplay between guitar and strings, and Turla’s story about darkness and blooming. “I Have Arrived” is another upbeat number and jubilant in its message of reunion. The first song “Alas” rings of the heartland, both sorrowful and moving, speaking of, “I need to stay, but alas, I must go.” “True Dark” is a lofty song despite its theme of darkness.

I really like this. It’s a different band for my collection. “Americana” is often too country, too folky, or too much violin for me. Murder by Death blends traditional music with uplifting rock and the vocals, lyrics, and cello instill a range of emotions.

D² Rating ◼◼◼◼☐

Trivia ? – Murder by Death has an annual tradition of playing a show at the hotel in Colorado made famous in The Shining. What is the name of the hotel?

Answer: The Stanley Hotel