Tag: album

  • Best of 1985: The Top Albums From 40 Years Ago

    Let’s look back 40 years and begin this year’s best album series. Before we get to the top 10, here are some musical headlines from 1985: Some new wave heavyweights released albums in 1985, but hard rock and alt rock were in the mix, as well. As usual, it was difficult to keep the list…

  • Best of 2004: Top 10 Albums From 20 Years Ago

    It’s always fun for a musical look back across the decades. I have remembered 1994 (Through a 30-Year Lense: Best Albums of 1994:) and 1984 (1984: Top Ten Albums From 40 Years Ago) so far this year. But I’ve never gone back 20 years, so here’s the album highlights from 2004: 10. Contraband by Velvet…

  • Through a 30-Year Lense: Best Albums of 1994:

    Time for another journey back in time. Here’s some memorable musical moments from 1994: Here’s my favorite albums of 1994: 10. Neil Young – Sleeps with Angels: While his classic rock brothers were receding in the public conscious, Neil Young was on a roll in the early ’90s – Freedom, Ragged Glory, and Harvest Moon.…

  • 1984: Top Ten Albums From 40 Years Ago

    Time for another look back. 1984 was an eventful year in music: Sometimes I go into making these lists with a clear favorite (or two or three), in mind, but not this time. While there were some fine albums released in 1984, upon reflection, there were no definitive albums of the year for me. Some…